Husband and wife camping partners for life shirt

 The Psychoanalytic community, Husband and wife camping partners for life shirt including Sigmund Freud himself posited that horror came from the “Uncanny” – emergence of images and thoughts of the primitive id that were being suppressed by the civilized ego. Jung thought that horror movies tapped into primordial archetypes buried deep in our collective subconscious – images like shadow and mother play important role in the horror genre. But psychoanalysis is hard to test empirically, so it’s hard to say if these ideas fall more in the realm of philosophy.

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Speaking of philosophy the Greek Philosopher Husband and wife camping partners for life shirt Aristotle, yes – he I know, he didn’t exactly get to watch scary movies – he thought that people were attracted to scary stories and violent dramatic plays because it gave them a chance to purge their negative emotions – a process he called catharsis. Using Aristotle’s argument, we would watch violent movies and play violent video games to release the pent up feelings of aggression. Unfortunately for Aristotle, research has shown the opposite – watching violence actually makes people MORE aggressive. Pent up feelings of anger can actually be reduced by watching something else like humor or erotica. But there may still be a correlation between watching horror films and the reduction of fear.

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