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To an extent, yes (made worse, not near death). Vintage Fornicate thyself and the steed upon which thou didst arrive shirt I have an incurable brain condition, that is classed as a “Rare Disorder”. This makes it very hard to find the right doctors and specialists with adequate knowledge and experience to treat me. I do not have hydrocephalus. However, this was the constant “go-to” diagnosis. I have a similar condition, but it’s just not the same. I have too much CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) in and around my brain. Left untreated, it crushes the brain (think of the skull as a bowling ball, with few outlets, and a specific volume of stuff inside. In the case of the brain, the skull holds the brain tissue, CSF and blood vessels). An increase in any of these components is bad, as there’s very little places it can go. Without intervention to shunt off some of the excess CSF, OR, place stents in specific blood vessels of the brain to help increase CSF reabsorption …. the pituitary gland can become flattened.

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Cognitive issues can appear, the optic Vintage Fornicate thyself and the steed upon which thou didst arrive shirt nerves that run from the back of the eyeball, into the “sight” area of the brain, can become crushed, and in dire situations, the brain itself can herniate down through the foramen magnum (hole at the base of the brain) …. creating emergent problems or death. Just to be clear, my problem is more chronic, than acute. Brain herniation is rare in patient’s with my issue, although another problem called a Chairi Malformation can develop. I have a shunt in my brain. It sits in one of the CSF “pools” of the brain - the right lateral ventricle. A catheter runs under my skin from my external shunt aparatus that sits atop my skull, down to the pleural space under my right lung.
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