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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2020

Lighthouse Tortuga Moon turtle shirt

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The other thing that makes someone a Lighthouse Tortuga Moon turtle shirt Mary Sue is if the narrative has a sort of passive “all shall love this character and those that don’t like them are petty/evil” sort of undertone. Look at Bella Swan (Twilight) and see how any character who doesn’t like her in the series is treated like they are unreasonable/bitches/evil, even the ones who HAVE valid reasons to dislike her like Leah Clearwater who is tired of Bella playing hide the sausage with her packmate. It’s OK that an otherwise interesting/decent person/character doesn’t like your hyper competent protagonist, it’s ok if they have VALID reasons to dislike said protagonist. This is good, it makes the protagonist more dimensional and interesting.Not every reader will like your protagonist and will instead like the secondary characters and that’s OK. Doors need shuttin’ lights need cuttin’ lips need lockin’ boots need knockin’ shirt Happy cow creamery shirt Entjies when people zol they put th

Vintage Emergency Medical Service Rub some dirt on it everything stops shirt

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Michel Foucault was a Vintage Emergency Medical Service Rub some dirt on it everything stops shirt French Philosopher/Social Theorist, and one of the most influential philosophical voices of the 20th century. Unlike many philosophers, much of his writing is accessible. Foucault was a primary force in the description and movement into post-modernity. His theories on power have become part of our table talk and the politics of human rights organizations. Foucault spent time in the gay sado-masochistic scene in San Francisco in the early 80’s and contracted HIV. He died from the complications of AIDS in Paris in 1984. At first glance, he would appear to be an unlikely source to find answers for my conundrum. Foucault did not see power as something owned by oppressors, but as inherent to every human interaction. It was not simply the actions of the strong against the weak, but also of the weak in their reactions to the strong. In respect to sexuality, Foucault believed that the actions of

Vintage Steve Smith I’m already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth shirt

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What are your priorities? Vintage Steve Smith I’m already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth shirt I ask because that phrase, "god fearing" stands out. I know very few people who would use that phrase and they are all people who put their relationship with god way ahead of their relationships with people. They also seem to have very strict ideas about what it means to begod fearing" and outside their church, pretty much everyone else is excluded. Most of the people I know who call themselves god fearing not only put god first, they put career second, and have other priorities as well that they put well ahead of initiating a romantic relationship. As with so many other things, this is something where you get out what you put in. If you make a relationship more of a priority, you may have more success. We don’t do participation trophies earn it deserve it shirt Native American Indian Headdress Leopard shirt Don’t let your president get your ass whooped we are

Vintage Fornicate thyself and the steed upon which thou didst arrive shirt

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To an extent, yes (made worse, not near death). Vintage Fornicate thyself and the steed upon which thou didst arrive shirt I have an incurable brain condition, that is classed as a “Rare Disorder”. This makes it very hard to find the right doctors and specialists with adequate knowledge and experience to treat me. I do not have hydrocephalus. However, this was the constant “go-to” diagnosis. I have a similar condition, but it’s just not the same. I have too much CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) in and around my brain. Left untreated, it crushes the brain (think of the skull as a bowling ball, with few outlets, and a specific volume of stuff inside. In the case of the brain, the skull holds the brain tissue, CSF and blood vessels). An increase in any of these components is bad, as there’s very little places it can go. Without intervention to shunt off some of the excess CSF, OR, place stents in specific blood vessels of the brain to help increase CSF reabsorption …. the pituitary gland can b