US Air Force sunflower you are my sunshine shirt

A happy, healthy, restrained person, who lives in his own house, near the ocean, with between three and four thousand pounds, some of which I have written. Retired, write poetry books and sell photographic art built with Photoshop and printed on large inkjet printers. Father of three daughters and three granddaughters all grown. Former owner of Cessna 172 aircraft and rated to fly a complex plane. Sailing catamarans and other small sailboats. Fourth generation Californian. Hosted novels writing workshop 1 year; a 6-year poetry workshop; and test taught in writing for the TOEFL 3 years. Published worldwide 109 poems & award winning stories. Five books. As a producer, create videos for YouTube and channel 28. Study French, Arabic and Spanish. Ten years of research experience in genealogy. US Air Force sunflower you are my sunshine Hoodie
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