Autism elephant shirt

Just getting too close and entering the security perimeter is a provocation in itself and elephants will attack because they consider humans to be a significant threat. Ditto if men set up their camp on the road taken by elephants they will probably attack rather than make a detour. A man walking quietly in the savannah or jungle and being in contact with a herd is unlikely to escape unscathed. But hey, as always, it's not an exact science either. So that when the Flood is going to bury the Ceratopsians, the elephants miss the rendezvous, being submerged a little further, with lost skeletons or fossils classified as Tertiary. I'm sure that it's not the case! Imagine for a moment that the role is reversed and you take the place of the elephant and it takes your place as a spectator. Will you enjoy yourself so much? Autism elephant Hoodie
Buy this shirt: Autism elephant shirt

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